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Click on images below for stories from the field.

Co-created by local leaders and our locally hired employees, the economic and social development programs designed to alleviate poverty and impact over 50,000 community members.

Locally-hired employees conduct demonstration gardens, agroforestry and sustainable farming training to educate local community members on growing more valuable and nutritious crops while improving yield.

Carbon revenues provide financial and logistics support to enable the purchase of medicine, operate mobile clinics, perform vaccinations for infants and pregnant women, as well as to conduct HIV screenings and lead education programs.

Each year construction of schools is funded towards the goal of 32 total schools within the project area. The 11 schools built to date provide education for over 8,000 children who previously did not have access to formal education.

Our team conducts skills training for women's economic empowerment such as agriculture intensification and honey production.

Provided 7 potable water wells for 7 towns within the project area. Another 9 towns are set to receive wells by the end of 2022.

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Acacia trees are given to the community who plant them for fuel wood as an alternative to cutting trees from the native forest.

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We support 65+ locally hired employees to fill conservation and social impact jobs that represent new career opportunities within the project zone. We also sustain 300+ administration jobs in our logistics office which is located outside of the project zone.

Wildlife Works REDD+ projects in developing nations provide sustainable livelihoods and development programs to empower marginalized forest communities.

The Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project reduces over 3.8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually over the 30-year life of the project. 

The Mai Ndombe REDD+ protects over 240,000 acres of rainforest and the wildlife that live there including bonobos and forest elephants. 

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Wildlife Works co-create projects with land owners and forest communities that  work within the existing culture to implement inclusive self-governance structures. We operate with full transparency and zero tolerance for corruption.

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Wildlife Works projects are examples of private- public-community partnerships that bring together national and regional government, local community and private sector for conservation finance and community development.

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*2021 to date stats

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